5/6 NJ ACTS: A Platform for Translational Science in New Jersey: CTSA R25 at Rutgers, Biomedical Health Sciences

Project Details


PROJECT SUMMARY Creating a pathway for trainees to enter the clinical and translational science (CTS) workforce, including students from backgrounds often underrepresented in STEM and CTS, requires early engagement while in training. Addressing the needs of trainees at the forefront of their CTS education and stimulating CTS interest in historically underrepresented student populations to foster the development of a diverse CTS workforce are central to the efforts of the New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science (NJ ACTS), the first and only CTSA Hub in the state of New Jersey. Our R25 grant application, leveraging the resources of the parent UM1 Award, proposes the creation of the NJ ACTS Clinician Research Experiential Summer Training (CREST) Program involving: A) a mentored research and interprofessional training in clinical and translational science component for medical and pharmacy students enrolled at Rutgers who are prime for early intervention as the number of physician-scientists are in decline and there are limited nationwide programs for training pharmacist-scientists; and B) an outreach component to stimulate interest, engage, and foster CTS for Rutgers undergraduates participating in the NJ Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) program for students from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds, and for medical students at City University of New York (CUNY), whose majority of graduates go on to practice primary care in underserved communities. In component A, 10 medical and pharmacy students will participate in mentored research and interprofessional training in clinical and translational science each summer. This comprehensive 10-week program provides students with hands-on research training using state-of-the-art, case-based learning along with career development workshops and formal training in translational science. The objective of CREST Component A is to immerse medical and pharmacy students in research experiences that advance analytical and technical skills and stimulate their pursuit of advanced research training. Component B broadens the impact of the CREST program and benefits a diverse population of students. In this component, medical and pharmacy CREST participants will serve as “ambassadors” who will meet in hybrid (in-person/virtual) sessions with Rutgers EOF undergraduates to discuss their experience and paths to medical and pharmacy school, and to share their enthusiasm for and the importance of their CTS research. Component B will also offer the opportunity for 1st and 2nd year CUNY medical students to complete the online/asynchronous translational science digital badge. After completing the badge, these students will be offered the opportunity to attend in a virtual format the research presentations from students in Component A. The objective of CREST Component B is to foster interest and educate undergraduate and medical students from underrepresented backgrounds about the CTS process. Ultimately, CREST will build a well-trained and diverse workforce prepared to address challenges in clinical and translational science and improve public health.
Effective start/end date9/1/248/31/25


  • National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences: $106,372.00


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