CARE: National Center For Sign Language & Gesture Resources

  • Metaxas, Dimitris D.N. (PI)
  • Badler, Norman (CoPI)
  • Liberman, Mark M. (CoPI)

Project Details


The University of Pennsylvania and Boston University are collaborating on the establishment and maintenance of resources for research in sign language and gesture. The goal of this project is to make available several different types of experimental resources and analyzed data to facilitate linguistic and computational research on signed languages and the gestural components of spoken languages. Activities in the project include the following:

* A facility for collection of video-based language data will be established, equipped with synchronized digital cameras to capture multiple views of the subject.

* A substantial corpus of American Sign Language video data will be collected from native signers and made available in both compressed and uncompressed forms.

* Significant portions of the collected data will be linguistically annotated. The database of linguistic annotations will be made publicly available, along with the applications needed to access the database.

* Video data will be analyzed using computer-based algorithms, with analysis and software made publicly available.

Thus the project makes available sophisticated facilities for data collection, a standard protocol for such collection, and large amounts of language data. The combination of linguistic and computational expertise in this project will ensure scientific integrity of data collection, and will result in useful data for researchers in a variety of fields.

Effective start/end date10/1/989/30/02


  • National Science Foundation: $650,000.00


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