Doctoral Disseration: Who Gets Credit? The Economic Value of Social Status in Money Lending

  • Clarke, Lee (PI)

Project Details


SES 0082434

PI: Lee Clarke, Lynne Moulton

This project examines ways lenders make decisions about borrowers, focusing on 'non-economic' factors such as a borrower's social status. It includes both profit-making and non-profit lending organizations. Many investigators have noted that various types of 'discrimination' probably figure into lending decisions, and this study attempts to specify the processes involved by examining the application and decision processes directly. Some of the factors to be measured are how characteristics of borrowers signal loan officers of their reliability, and how those factors are used differently by loan officers in traditional and marginal loan markets. The study emphasizes decision processes in the loan applications rather than outcomes.

Effective start/end date8/1/007/31/01


  • National Science Foundation: $4,117.00


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