Experimental Research in Elementary Particle Physics

  • Devlin, T. (PI)
  • Conway, J. (CoPI)
  • Watts, T. (CoPI)
  • Thomson, G. B. (CoPI)
  • Schnetzer, Stephen (CoPI)
  • Stone, R. (CoPI)
  • Somalwar, Sunil (CoPI)

Project Details


In this proposal, a group of researchers from Rutgers University request support for participation in two current experiments. The KTEV experiment at Fermilab will provide the most precise measurements to date on CP violation in the Kaon system and the CDF experiment, also at Fermilab, now being upgraded to explore the highest energy collisions now available, and running after KETEV is completed. The CMS experiment at the LHC at CERN, expected to explore the Higg's boson and possibly discover the first set of supersymmetric particles, will be the major future activity of this group. ¥©╣¢ ¢¥┐┤` ┴╣%% ┤Á└Á%?║ /> /║║╝Á│╣/¥╣?> ? ú┐¥│© ¢│╣Á>¥╣Â╣│ /│¥╣└╣¥╣Á¢ />┤ /│©╣Á└Á_Á>¥¢ ¥©/¥ ╣¢ >?¥ ║╝Á┤Á¥Á╝_╣>Á┤ ▓` ¢┐│© └/%┐Á Õ┐┤À_Á>¥¢ ¼©Á ¢¥┐┤` ┴╣%% ▓Á ?╝À/>╣:Á┤ /╝?┐>┤ ¥©Á │?>│Á║¥¢ ? -┐¥╣%╣¥`- />┤ -└╣╝¥┐Á- ▓?¥© ▓Á│/┐¢Á ¥©Á` ┴Á╝Á │?>¢¥/>¥%` ╣>└?,Á┤ /¢ ¥©Á À┐╣┤╣>À ╣┤Á/%¢ ? ¢│╣Á>│Á ┤┐╝╣>À ¥©Á ñ>%╣À©¥Á>_Á>¥ />┤ ▓Á│/┐¢Á ¥©Á╣╝ _Á/>╣>À¢ │©/>ÀÁ┤ │?>¢¥/>¥%` ¼©Á _Á¥©?┤ ¥? ▓Á Á_║%?`Á┤ ╣> ¥©╣¢ ║╝?ÕÁ│¥ ▓ÁÀ╣>¢ ┴╣¥© / ¢┐╝└Á` ? /└/╣%/▓%Á ║╝╣_/╝` />┤ ¢Á│?>┤/╝` %╣¥Á╝/¥┐╝Á Â?%%?┴Á┤ ▓` /╝│©╣└/% ╝Á¢Á/╝│© »©/¥ ┤╣¢¥╣>À┐╣¢©Á¢ ¥©╣¢ ¢¥┐┤` Â╝?_ ?¥©Á╝¢ ╣¢ ╣¥¢ │?__╣¥_Á>¥ ¥? ╝Á¢║Á│¥ ¥©Á ╣>¥ÁÀ╝╣¥` ? ¢│╣Á>│Á ┴©╣%Á ┤Á_?>¢¥╝/¥╣>À ╣¥¢ ┤`>/_╣│ ╝Á%/¥╣?>¢©╣║ ¥? ¥©Á │┐%¥┐╝/% Á>└╣╝?>_Á>¥ ╣> ┴©╣│© ╣¥ ╣¢ ║╝/│¥╣│Á┤

Effective start/end date2/15/987/31/00


  • National Science Foundation: $2,386,000.00


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