IDBR: EcoChip: A Micro-structured Microbial Habitat Array

  • LeBoeuf, Eugene J. (PI)
  • Shor, Leslie M. (CoPI)
  • Taghon, Gary (CoPI)
  • Young, Lily (CoPI)
  • Kosson, David (CoPI)
  • Wikswo, John J.P. (CoPI)

Project Details


This is an award to a new investigator for the development of micro-structured microbial habitat arrays called EcoChips. Habitats for microbial ecosystems will be developed on chips, with customizable architectures for the geometry of the ecosystems and fluid handling capabilities for chemical control and sampling of environments. EcoChips will be able to sit on a microscope stage, for direct viewing of protozoa, bacteria, and other microbes as they compete for resources in these micro-habitats. EcoChips will be used to study microbial responses to chemical gradients, among other things, with high throughput. EcoChips overcome the problems with current bioreactors, by scaling to the size of a micro-habitat and permitting visualization of individual bacteria in these micro-environments.

Microbes are fascinating organisms of central importance to the continued existence of all other life on Earth. EcoChips will permit investigations of microbial habitats in the lab at a level of detail not previously possible. The EcoChips will be good for student projects. Hands-on learning modules will be developed for middle school teaching. These modules will also be used at an annual workshop for girls: TWISTER, Tennessee Women in Science Technology Engineering and Research.

Effective start/end date5/1/074/30/10


  • National Science Foundation: $428,060.00


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