Interactive Virtual Training (IVT) for Early Career Teachers in High Poverty Schools

Project Details


Purpose: In this study, researchers will create and test Interactive Virtual Training (IVT), a video game technology in which early career teachers can hone their classroom management skills in a virtual classroom. Difficulty managing classrooms and engaging learners are two of the strongest predictors of attrition from the profession of teaching for those early in their careers. This project builds on a recently completed IES Development and Innovation study, Enhancing Effectiveness and Connectedness among Early Career Teachers in Urban Schools, in which the researchers created a model designed to support early career teachers around those challenges. The model includes school-based professional learning communities, in addition to group seminars and coaching for early career teachers, all designed to build their feelings of effectiveness in managing classroom behavior and engaging learners and to promote feelings of connectedness with colleagues. Findings were promising but insufficient in the original study; improvements in classroom management were slowly realized and teachers reported a preference for online delivery of content.
Effective start/end date7/1/156/30/19


  • Institute of Education Sciences: $1,497,279.00


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