Paleoclimatic Evidence from Freshwater Wetlands in the East African Rift: a Pilot Project

  • Ashley, Gail (PI)
  • Hover, V. C. (CoPI)

Project Details


An interdisciplinary research project is proposed to test the hypothesis that groundwater-fed wetlands may be used as paleoclimatic indicators in equatorial East Africa. The study will integrate geochemical, biological and sedimentological data from a large modern freshwater wetland (Loboi Wetland, near Lake Bogoria, Kenya) and compare these data to nearby Pleistocene Loboi Silts and Kapthurin Formation that may contain ancient wetland sediments. The link to paleoclimate will be made by locating repetitive alternations (cycles?) of lithofacies that record wet-dry cycles within a datable ancient stratigraphic sequence. The two Pleistocene sites that we have selected show great promise. The field work, laboratory analyses and preliminary integration of the results from modern and ancient environments will be carried out over a one year period.

Effective start/end date8/1/027/31/04


  • National Science Foundation: $74,277.00


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