Project Details
1069258 Rutgers University; Dimitris Metaxas
1069147 Arie Kaufman; SUNY at Stony Brook
The Center for Dynamic Data Analysis (CDDA) will focus on conducting innovative research and applications based on the collaborative efforts between the two universities and member companies in the emerging field of dynamic data analysis. The end result will be novel science, algorithms and applications that transform chaos into knowledge. Rutgers University (RU) and SUNY at Stony Brook are collaborating to establish the proposed center, with RU as the lead institution.
The proposed Center will investigate algorithms and potential solutions to analyze and visualize massive, complex, multidimensional and multi-scale dynamic data. The algorithm design will be tested, validated and improved based on the close collaboration and research between the two participating universities and industry. The participating universities have research and education programs whose strengths cover the technical scope of the center.
The proposed research projects will be useful to industry and homeland security, and the proposed Center will transform traditional research in computer science. Analysis and visualization of large-scale dynamic data will also become a new area of research for many graduate students. CDDA plans to have students spend time with the industrial affiliates in the form of summer internships and during the academic year so they can improve their skills. The participating universities also plan to leverage existing outreach programs at their institutions, and programs sponsored by the NSF, to encourage the participation of under-represented groups in the research..
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 3/15/11 → 2/28/17 |
- National Science Foundation: $725,846.00