Re-envisioning Asian American Art History

Project Details


A three-week institute at New York University for twenty-five college and university faculty members on pivotal developments and critical issues in Asian-American art history.Reenvisioning American Art History: Asian American Art, Research, and Teaching is a Summer Institute for 25 college and university teachers to be held at New York University in July 2012. The Institute will deepen understanding of pivotal developments and critical issues in Asian American art history and visual culture studies, while providing access to specialized archives that will enhance their research and teaching in the humanities. In addition to engaging in lectures, dialogue, and individual research projects, they will also benefit from New York City museums, galleries, and Asian American artist communities that played a key role in the formation of regional and national Asian American art histories. The Institute will contribute to the intellectual and professional development of its participants, and build a community of inquiry among researchers with interests in Asian American art and art history.
Effective start/end date10/1/1112/31/12


  • National Endowment for the Humanities: $193,250.00


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