Special Project: Satellite Reconnect Project

Project Details


EIA 0207338

Roberts, Fred

Rutgers University

TITLE: Satellite Reconnect Project

This Satellite Reconnect Project is designed to 'reconnect' to the computer science and mathematics research enterprise, two-year and four-year college faculty who have not had opportunities to keep up with new research developments. It aims to reinvigorate their careers and enhance their teaching by exposing them to current research topics in computer science and related mathematics that are relevant to the undergraduate classroom. This is being accomplished initially through a series of summer conferences at DIMACS, the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, at Rutgers University. As part of the conferences, participants prepare written classroom materials based on current research topics and have the opportunity to publish them in the DIMACS Educational Modules Series. Concurrently, the basic program conference structure is being replicated at six selected satellite locations around the country, generally with different research topics, but under DIMACS guidance and leadership. Through this mechanism, the project aims to establish a community of individuals and institutions with expertise in and commitment to this type of 'Reconnect' project and concept. The satellite activities are supplemented with an effort to disseminate the model to the wider community so that this type of program can be copied at numerous other locations around the country.

Effective start/end date7/15/026/30/07


  • National Science Foundation: $636,376.00


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