STEM Scholars - Building Professional Identities in Under-Represented Students

  • Pugh, Raymond R.J. (PI)
  • Thompson, Michael M.K. (CoPI)
  • Salmon-stephens, Tammy T.J. (CoPI)
  • Esqueda, Jaclyn J.M. (CoPI)
  • Chang, Lily (CoPI)
  • Miller, Angela A. (CoPI)
  • Camacho, Jorge J. (CoPI)

Project Details


STEM Scholars - Building Professional Identities in Under-Represented Students

The goal of the project is to increase the number of distinguished underrepresented STEM graduates from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. To accomplish this, females and underrepresented minorities (URMs) will be supported through large scholarships and high-impact practices, enabling them to be academically successful in STEM majors, acquire career development skills, participate in undergraduate internship experience(s), and to secure desirable STEM job placements upon graduation.

The intellectual merit of this program is refining campus best practices for recruiting and retaining underrepresented students. Innovative practices will be employed, including the use of non-cognitive traits to demonstrate academic potential and to personalize support programming for students, development of a cohort network of support through shared scheduling of classes and shared extracurricular experiences, and a strong peer mentor support system. Additional best practices will include the building of early networks with industry champions, student development that includes career placement initiatives, and building the campus' overall institutional capacity for student success among academic and student services and also industry. This capacity-building effort also will have broader impact implications.

The broader impacts of this project will help creating a legacy of STEM Scholars on campus and improving degree attainment for underrepresented students in the College of EMS. This project is also augmenting the campus' pipeline of underrepresented populations into STEM professions. Finally, through existing and developing industry relationships, the project will improve faculty and industry partners' competency in supporting underrepresented students.

Effective start/end date12/1/1411/30/20


  • National Science Foundation: $623,486.00


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