Project Details


This award supports participation in the Workshop on Distance Geometry: Theory and Applications held at the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) at Rutgers University on July 26-29, 2016. Applications of distance geometry are widely visible in everyday life and include management of cellular telephone networks, drug synthesis, robotic automation in manufacturing, and architectural design. By bringing together scientists from diverse fields whose research involves distance geometry, the workshop has considerable potential to impact important applications while advancing related theory. The workshop will include four tutorial presentations, a poster session, and over 20 additional invited presentations. This will be the first workshop on distance geometry held in the United States. The workshop webpage is currently maintained at, which contains the workshop announcement and call for participation.

The workshop will highlight important mathematical and computational challenges in distance geometry and draw connections to closely related mathematical problems in graph rigidity, semidefinite programming, and matrix completion, among others. The workshop is scheduled to involve leading researchers who are applying distance geometry to a wide range of scientific fields. In addition, the workshop will involve a large group of students and early-career researchers, and will create new resources that will be made available to introduce newcomers to the concepts and applications of distance geometry.

Effective start/end date4/1/163/31/17


  • National Science Foundation: $23,155.00


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