Assembly of water-soluble, dynamic, covalent container molecules and their application in the room-temperature stabilization of protoadamantene

Zhihua Lin, Junling Sun, Bisera Efremovska, Ralf Warmuth

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57 Scopus citations


The thermodynamically controlled reactions of water-soluble tetraformylcavitand 2 with two equivalents of H2N(CH 2)nNH2 (n=2-4) in the presence of a suitable templating guest give hemicarceplexes 1 a-c·guest, the yield of which depends on the match between size and shape of the guest and that of the inner phase. These hemicarceplexes are dynamic and dissociate upon addition of acid and reform upon basification. In water, they exchange guests through temporary hydrolysis of imine bonds. To test 1 b as molecular reaction flask, 3-noradamantyldiazirine 6 was encapsulated and photolyzed at 350 nm to produce Bredt olefin protoadamantene 5 and 1-noradamantyldiazomethane 8 in a 4:1 ratio. Encapsulated protoadamantene is stable for days at room temperature in (CD 3)2SO/CD3CN (t1/2=5.5 days) and has a lifetime of several minutes in D2O. Molecular nanoflask! Room-temperature stabilization of protoadamantene was achieved inside a water-soluble, dynamic, covalent, hemicarcerand nanoflask. The nanoflask spontaneously assembles from a cavitand and propylenediamine in water in the presence of 3-noradamantyldiazirine as a template (see scheme). Photolysis of the imprisoned diazirine yields the Bredt olefin, which survives for days at room temperature.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)12864-12872
Number of pages9
JournalChemistry - A European Journal
Issue number40
StatePublished - Oct 1 2012

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Catalysis
  • Organic Chemistry


  • Bredt olefins
  • dynamic covalent chemistry
  • host-guest chemistry
  • molecular container compound
  • reactive intermediates


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