Pneumocardiogram (PCG) abnormalities after Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

Harel Rosen, Jeanne Curry, Debra Gutter, Mujahid Anwar, Mark Hiatt, Thomas Hegyi

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Premature infants following RDS manifested decreased central apneas, increased mixed apneas, and a similar distribution of obstructive apneas compared to controls. The RDS group of 72 infants (BW 1357+/-584g; GA 29.5+/-2.8wks) were compared to 108 controls (BW 2233+/-866g; GA 34.1+/-4.0wks). Although significant differences occurred in BW and GA, the postconceptional age at the time of the study was similar (36.6±3.0 vs. 36.2±3.4wks.). PCG's consisting of a combination of heart rate, respiratory rate, nasal air flow, and pulse oximetry measurements were done prior to hospital discharge on infants requiring home monitoring and showed the following: RDS No RDS Central apnea(CA), n(%) 22(30.5%) 71(65.7%) * CA, 10-15 sec 32 (44.4%) 80 (74.1%) * CA, 15-20 sec 7(9.7%) 95(88.0%) * CA, >20sec 30(41.7%) 67(62.0) * Mixed apnea (MA) 52(72.2%) 33(30.6%) * * p<0.01 Obstructive apnea (OA) 41(56.9%) 66(61.1%) Excessive periodic breathing 46 (63.9%) 58 (53.7%). Infants suffering from RDS manifest different types of apnea at time of hospital discharge, but the incidence of periodic breathing and reflux is not affected. The decreased incidence of central apnea, an index of brain maturation, in the RDS group may reflect its longer period of extrauterine adaption.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)173A
JournalJournal of Investigative Medicine
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1999

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology


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