Post-groups, (Lie-)Butcher groups and the Yang–Baxter equation

Chengming Bai, Li Guo, Yunhe Sheng, Rong Tang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


The notions of a post-group and a pre-group are introduced as a unification and enrichment of several group structures appearing in diverse areas from numerical integration to the Yang–Baxter equation. First the Butcher group from numerical integration on Euclidean spaces and the -group of an operad naturally admit a pre-group structure. Next a relative Rota–Baxter operator on a group naturally splits the group structure to a post-group structure. Conversely, a post-group gives rise to a relative Rota–Baxter operator on the sub-adjacent group. Further a post-group gives a braided group and a solution of the Yang–Baxter equation. Indeed the category of post-groups is isomorphic to the category of braided groups and the category of skew-left braces. Moreover a post-Lie group differentiates to a post-Lie algebra structure on the vector space of left invariant vector fields, showing that post-Lie groups are the integral objects of post-Lie algebras. Finally, post-Hopf algebras and post-Lie Magnus expansions are utilized to study the formal integration of post-Lie algebras. As a byproduct, a post-group structure is explicitly determined on the Lie–Butcher group from numerical integration on manifolds.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)3127-3167
Number of pages41
JournalMathematische Annalen
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jan 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Mathematics


  • 16T05
  • 16T25
  • 17B38
  • 18M60
  • 22E60
  • 65L99


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