title = "Psychoneuroimmunology: Introductory comments on its physics and metaphysics",
author = "Schleifer, {Steven J.}",
note = "Funding Information: During this time, substantiaflu ndingw as made available through the National Institutes of Health in the United States to support psy-choneuroimmunologirce searcha s a basic science relevant to the understandinga nd control of AIDS. Unfortunately, the extraordinarye xpan-sion of psychoimmunologicr esearch and the heightenede nthusiasmf or the field may have again triggered unrealistic expectations.D isap-pointment ensued, at least initially, when the anticipatedla rge effect of psychologicasl tateso n the primary immunologicm arker in HIV, circulating CD4{\textquoteright} cells, was not readily demonstrable. Partly as a result, US policy again shifted, with substantialr estrictions on the extent to which dedicatedf unding for AIDS research could be appliedt o basic psychoimmunologisct udies.O nly thosep rojectsl inked directlyt o HIV diseaseit self remained eligible, and with more limited available funds. It is of note, however,t hat research on the psychoneuroimmunologoyf HIV, now utilizing more extensivelo ngitudinalb ehaviorala nd immunologica ssessmenths,a s begunt o delineate a role for psychologicalf actors in the immunologic and clinical course of the disease( Goodkin et al., 1994;L esermane t al., 1997).",
year = "1999",
month = jan,
day = "18",
doi = "10.1016/S0165-1781(98)00138-3",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "85",
pages = "3--6",
journal = "Psychiatry Research",
issn = "0165-1781",
publisher = "Elsevier Ireland Ltd",
number = "1",